Zur Überwindung Des Naturalismus / Hermann Bahr / Kohlhammer
Voices of Melancholy: Studies in Literary Treatments of Melancholy in Renaissance England /Bridget Gellert Lyons /W. W. Norton
The Dickensian Winter 1996, No. 440 Vol. 92 Part 3 Malcolm Andrews(ed.) dickens fellowship
The History of the Science Fiction Magazine Part 1, 1926-1935 Michael Ashley (ed.) New English Library
Pope Versus Dryden: A Controversy in Letters to The Gentleman's Magazine, 1789-1791 Gretchen M. Foster University of Victoria
Opium and the Romantic Imagination Alethea Hayter University of California Press
Alexander Pope Laura Brown Basil Blackwell
The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660 - 1798 Louis I. Bredvold Collier Books
Literary theory: an introduction 文学とは何か Terry Eagleton テリー・イーグルトン Basil Blackwell
C. P. Snow : The Politics of Conscience Frederick R. Karl Southern Illinois University Press
Revolutionary Prose of the English Civil War <Cambridge English Prose Texts > Howard Erskine-Hill (ed) Cambridge University Press
Essays and Poems and Simplicity, a Comedy <Clarendon Paperbacks> Mary Wortley Montagu メアリー・ウォートリー・モンタギュー Oxford University Press
Dictionary Johnson : Samuel johnson's Middle years James Clifford McGraw-Hill
Literature Against Itself : Literary Ideas in Modern Society Gerald Graff University of Chicago Press
The Personal Heresy : A Controversy C.S.Lewis / E.M.W.Tillyard Oxford University Press
Poetry, Language, and Politics John Barrell Manchester University Press
Jonathan Swift: An Introductory Essay David Ward Methuen & Company
Spirit of Wit : Reconsiderations of Rochester Jeremy Treglown (Ed.) Basil Blackwell
Pope <Harvester New Readings> Brean Hammond Harvester Press
The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories in XVIII Century England. Samuel H. Monk University of Michigan Press
Evelyn Waugh's Officers, Gentlemen, and Rogues: The Fact Behind His Fiction Gene D. Phillips Nelson-Hall
The Attack on Literature and Other Essays <Everyman's Classics> Rene Wellek、 The University of North Carolina Press
Alexander Pope <Writers & Their Background> Peter Dixon Ohio University Press
The Originals: Who's Really Who in Fiction William Amos Sphere books