The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear Edward Lear Dover
The Lyrics of Noel Coward Methuen
The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry 影響の不安 : 詩の理論のために Harold Bloom ハロルド・ブルーム Oxford University Press
The Penguin Book of Satirical Verse Edward Lucie-Smith (ed.) Penguin Books
Geschichte Der Deutschen Lyrik Von Heine Bis Zur Gegenwart: 3bande Gerhard Kaiser Suhrkamp
Pope Versus Dryden: A Controversy in Letters to The Gentleman's Magazine, 1789-1791 Gretchen M. Foster University of Victoria
Faber Book of English History in Verse Kenneth Baker (ed.) Faber & Faber
William Empson: The Complete Poems <Penguin Classics> William Empson Penguin Books
Selected Poems of Charles Baudelaire シャルル・ボードレール panther
Selected Poems 1938-1968, John Berryman Faber and Faber
Mallarme, the Poems Penguin Books
An Introduction to Fifty Modern British Poets <Pan literature guides> Michael Schmidt pan books
Alexander Pope Laura Brown Basil Blackwell
Harlequin-Horace: or, the Art of Modern Poetry (James Miller, 1731) <The Augustan Reprint Society 178> James Miller、William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
Poems on the Reign of William III (1690, 1696, 1699, 1702) <The Augustan Reprint Society 166> William Andrews Clark Memorial Library,
Traduction en vers des Bucoliques de Virgile Paul Valery ポール・ヴァレリー Gallimard
Betjeman reads Betjeman : Poems And A Selection From Summoned by Bells (Cassette Tape)
The Complete Odes and Epodes <Penguin Classics> Horace ホラティウス Penguin Books
Alexander Pope : The Major Works <Oxford World's Classics> Alexander Pope Oxford University Press
A Season in Hell and the Illuminations 地獄の季節・イリュミナシオン Arthur Rimbaud、アルチュール・ランボー Oxford University Press
Absalom and Achitophel and Other Poems <Collins Annotated Student Text> John Dryden Collins
Byron <The Oxford Authors> Oxford University Press
Revolutionary Prose of the English Civil War <Cambridge English Prose Texts > Howard Erskine-Hill (ed) Cambridge University Press
Essay on Man and Other Poems Alexander Pope アレキサンダー・ポープ(ポウプ) Dover