Space in Hellenistic philosophy : critical studies in ancient physics
Texte Der Formalistischen Aesthetik: Eine Quellenedition Zu Johann Friedrich Herbart Und Zur Herbartianischen Theorietradition
Ingo Stoeckmann
From Hegel to Windelband : historiography of philosophy in the 19th century <New studies in the history and historiography of philosophy>
Gebrochene Schoenheit : Hegels Aesthetik - Kontexte und Rezeptionen < Hegel-Forschungen>
Subjektivitt und Autonomie : Praktische Selbstverhltnisse in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie
Kants Religionsphilosophie <Vorlesungen und Schriften> 3. Aufl
Die Theorie der Gefuehle bei Aristoteles <Studien zu Literatur und Erkenntnis 2>
Michael Krewet
Kant's metaphysic of experience : a commentary on the first half of the Kritik der reinen Vernunft v. 1.2
Herbert James Paton
Rousseau, nature, and the problem of the good life
Laurence D. Cooper
Conscience and other virtues : from Bonaventure to MacIntyre Douglas C. Langston
Nature's challenge to free will
Bernard Berofsky、Oxford University Press
Virtue and the making of modern liberalism <New forum books>
Peter Berkowitz
A brief history of justice <Brief histories of philosophy>
David Johnston
The Discipline of History and the History of Thought
Lemon M C
Liberating judgment : fanatics, skeptics, and John Locke's politics of probability Douglas John Casson
Understanding Hegel's mature critique of Kant John McCumber
Hegel and the metaphysical frontiers of political theory <Routledge innovations in political theory> Eric Lee Goodfield
Revisiting Kant's universal law and humanity formulas <Ideen & Argumente> Sven Nyholm
Plato, Politics and a Practical Utopia, : Social Constructivism and Civic Planning in the 'Laws'
Kant and the law of peace : a study in the philosophy of international law and international relations Charles Covell
In the realm of legal and moral philosophy : critical encounters Matthew H. Kramer
Kierkegaard and Kant on radical evil and the highest good : virtue, happiness, and the kingdom of God Roe Fremstedal
The Puritan moment : the coming of revolution in an English county <Harvard historical studies> William Hunt
A history of Western education:The modern West Europe and the new world James Bowen